belize company


Advantages of the Belize non – resident company registration:
Belize IBC is tax-free and exchange control-free Limited Liability Company incorporated under the laws of Belize. All its business activities and earned profit must be conducted outside Belize but the company still keeps all the benefits provided by law. Belize IBC is often used by individuals involved in property leasing and buying, estate planning, tax optimization, trusts and by international companies in cross border transactions.

Fundamental features of the IBC in Belize are:
– Law is specially designed to be cost saving
– Flexibility – only one director and one shareholder are required (it may have bearer shares or registered shares, voting or non-voting shares, authorized share capital with or without par value.
– It can purchase and redeem its own shares.
– It may lease an office in Belize
– Obtain service from Belize professionals and trust companies
– Keep its company records and hold meetings in Belize
– Operate an account with a local Bank
– Hold shares in another Belize IBC and own vessels registered in Belize
– Confidentiality – Belize law has accommodated provisions to ensure freedom of the individual and the solemnity of private and commercial transactions. Only document presented for public filing at the Registry is the Memorandum and Articles of Incorporation.
– There is no requirement for public disclosure or annual filing of accounts under the act. The Financial Intelligence Unit of Belize and the International Financial Services Commission of Belize are the only two organizations that have privy to client’s information upon request
– It can conduct business that is not prohibited under the laws of Belize except for banking, insurance, trust management and collective investments which require licenses.

List of documents received for a standard company:

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Memorandum & Articles of Association
  • First Minutes appointing the Directors and Shareholders
  • Share Certificates

Price list:
– Incorporation costs – US$1150.00 which includes:
– Incorporation fee with standard authorised capital of US$50,000
– License Fee (Government fee)
– Registered Office/Agent Fee
– Corporate seal
– Apostille/Notarization per document or set
Courier fee US$100

– Nominee Director (Corporate) – $300.00
– Nominee Director (Individual) – $400.00
– Nominee Shareholder (Corporate) – $300.00
– Nominee Shareholder (Individual) – $400.00

– Annual fees – US$600.00 which includes:
– Annual Registered Office / Registered Agent
– Annual License Fee (Government fee)*

*Annual license fee
A company which is on the Register on the 31st December in a year shall, before the 31st July of the following year, pay to the Registrar an annual license fee as follows:
1. $100 if its authorized capital does not exceed $50,000 and all its shares have par value;
2. $1,000 if its authorized capital exceeds $50,000;
3. $350 if- its authorized capital does not exceed $50,000 and some or all of its shares have no par value; or it has no authorized share capital and all its shares have no par value; and
4. $4,000 (in addition to the license fee payable under paragraphs (a) to (c) above) if the company is a public investment company.
If a company fails to pay the amount due as the license fee under subsection (1) by the date specified therein, the license fee increases by 10 per cent of that amount.
If a company fails to pay the amount due as an increased license fee under subsection (2) by the 31st October, then, the license fee increases by 50 per cent of the license fee specified in subsection (1).

Upon restoration by the Registrar to the Register of a company incorporated under this Act, the name of which was struck off the Register:
$300 if the restoration is applied for within six months immediately following the striking of the name off the Register; or $600 if the restoration is applied for more than six months immediately following the striking of the name off the Register.

Notarization per doc or set $50.00
Apostille per doc or set $100.00
Certification by IBC Registry $60.00
Certification by Belize Foreign Ministry $100.00
Certification by Consulates Varies
Amendments including disbursements $350.00
Change in Registered Office $200.00
Tax Exemption Certificate $300.00
General Power of Attorney $200.00
Re-Domiciliation $300.00
Opening of bank accounts in Belize $500.00
Opening of bank accounts out of Belize $750.00
Legal Opinion $500.00
Certificate of Incumbency $150.00
Share Certificates after incorporation $50each
Resolutions after incorporation $150.00
Corporate seal – additional $50.00
Conduct Search at Registry $200.00
Mail fowarding service – set up fee ($500) + mail deposit ($100) $600.00
Mail forwarding service – annual fee (+ deposit when it depletes) $350.00

In order to start with IBC company opening procedure please provide the following:
1. Three possible names of the company in order of preference (should you wish to use the words such as Finance, Trust or Insurance you must apply for a license)
2. Completed application forms
3. Beneficial owners declaration
4. Name and passport copies of each beneficial owners
5. Your courier address and phone number where corporate documents shall be sent
6. Payment to EURO COMMERCE bank account. (Visa or MasterCard also accepted).

In order to open a bank account and/or use Nominee Service, please provide the following:
1. Notarized/Apostille copies of passport
2. Two original bank reference letters (or) 1 original bank reference letter and 1 original
3. Character reference letter (attorney or accountant) not older than 3 months.
4. Original utility bill confirming place of residence not older than 3 months
5. Original Bank Application Forms
6. Certified (or Notarized) Corporate Documents


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